
Aktuelni kursevi

Obrada astronomskih posmatranja A

Obrada astronomskih posmatranja B

Osnovi mehanike

Uvod u teorijsku mehaniku

Odabrana poglavlja astronomije

Opšta astronomija


  • Undergraduate level
  • Introduction to Theoretical Mechanics
  • Introduction to Mechanics
    (for Informatics)
  • Rational Mechanics
  • Continuum Mechanics
  • Reduction of Astronomical Observations I
  • Reduction of Astronomical Observations II
  • Master level
  • Space Missions Design
  • Software Packages in Astronomy
  • PhD level
  • Theory of Motion of Artificial Earth Satellites
  • Satellite Astrogeodesy
  • Special Methods of Reduction of Astronomical Observations


Main research fields: Astrodynamics, planetary science, interstellar asteroids and comets

Interstellar Orbital Model

Python code for generating synthetic population of the interstellar objects in the Solar System

Selected publications

Marceta, D., Novakovic, B.: Retrograde orbits excess among observable interstellar objects, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 498, Issue 4, pp. 5386-5398, (2020)

Radovic, V., Novakovic, B., Carruba, V., Marceta, D.: An automatic approach to exclude interlopers from asteroid families, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 470, Issue 1, pp. 576-591, (2017)

Marceta, D., Segan, S., Rasuo, B., Rackovic, K.: Meteoroid environment on the transfer trajectories to Mars, Aerospace Science and Technology, Volume 56, pp. 14-21 (2016)

Marceta D., Segan, S., Rasuo, B.: Influence of seasonal cycles in Martian atmosphere on entry, descent and landing sequence, Acta Astronautica, Volume 98, pp. 163-168 (2014)

Marceta, D.: The Effects of the Diurnal Atmospheric Variability on Entry, Descent and Landing on Mars, Serbian Astronomical Journal , Volume189, pp. 69-77 (2014)

Marceta D., Segan, S.: The distributions of positions of Minimal Orbit Intersection Distances among Near Earth Asteroids, Advances in Space Research, Volume 50, Issue 2, pp. 256-259 (2012)

A Combined Method to Compute the Proximities of Asteroids, Acta Astronomica, Volume 61, Issue 3, pp. 275-283 (2011)

Segan, S., Marceta, D.: Possibilities of Improving the TD88 Atmospheric Total Density Model, Serbian Astronomical Journal, Volume 181, pp. 57-61 (2010)

Selected conference presentations

1. Marceta D.: Mutual centennial cycles in solar activity and Earth rate of rotation, Statistical Challenges in Modern Astronomy, Pittsburgh, USA (2016)

2. Marceta D.: Meteoroid Environment on the Transfer Trajectories to Mars, International Symposium on Space Technology and Science, Kobe, Japan (2015)

3. Marceta D., Segan, S., Rasuo, B.: Astronomical Aspects of Entry, Descent and Landing Sequence on Mars, 64th International Astronautical Congress, Beijing, China (2013)

4. Marceta, D., Rasuo, B.: Possibilities for the Landing on Mars Southern Highlands, 63rd International Astronautical Congress, Naples, Italy (2012)

5. Marceta D., Segan S.: Influence of Variations in the Earth's Atmosphere on the Physical and Chemical Processes during Entry of a Meteoroid, Asteroids, Comets, Meteors, Niigata, Japan (2012)

6. Marceta D., Segan S.: Cycles in the Martian Atmosphere-the Influence on Entry, Descent and Landing Profiles, 39th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Mysore, India (2012)

7. Marceta D., Bokan, N., Segan S.: Effects of radiation on the geometry of zero-velocity surfaces in the photo-gravitational circular restricted 3-body problem, XVIII General Assembly of International Astronomical Union, Beijing, China (2012)

8. Marceta D., Segan S.: Connection between the solar activity and the Earth rate of rotation, XVIII General Assembly of International Astronomical Union, Beijing, China (2012)

9. Marceta, D., Segan, S., Glisovic, N.: Detection of the Mutual Periodical Changes in the Earth Rate of Rotation and the Solar Activity by Singular Spectrum Analysis, Journees 2011 - Systemes de reference spatio-temporels, Vienna, Austria (2011)

Contact details

University of Belgrade
Faculty of Mathematics
Department of Astronomy

Studentski trg 16, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia

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